BodyWork by Tery, LLC
Therapeutic Massage Therapy, Nutritional Counseling

Qest4 Bioenergetic Testing

Bioenergetic testing an energetic evaluation of the organs, glands and systems of the body

More than seventy percent of patients who visit a general practice suffer from what is known as a functional disturbance. In simple terms, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or traditional pathological diagnostic testing, and yet the patient still continues to experience multiple symptoms. Where traditional approaches end, the Qest4 system introduces a new perspective, effectively utilizing the technology of bio-energetic screening.

Many people can benefit greatly from the insight obtained through bioenergetic testing. This type of screening is also known as MSA testing. Research concerning bio-energetic testing has been well documented in university studies using various methods of traditional diagnostic testing.

For more information on the Qest4 device visit


Nutritional Counseling

Using the Qest4 Bioenergetic testing system,

RBTI testing (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization) ,

MRT (Muscle Response Testing) 

A comprehensive, holistic program is created to bring balance to your body, physically and emotionally, to restore your good health and quality of life.


Includes 3 Core scans  and 1 imprint

Does not include supplements

Return visits $150.00


Allergy and Sensitivity Scans with Protocol    $75.00

Dirty Gene Scan  with Soak and Scrub Protocol  $95.00

Sleep disturbances scan with customized imprint   $75.00

Dog, Cat and Horse Scans                     $75.00